Getting Started

Getting Started #

  1. Login to SlapbirdAPM
  2. Create your application
  3. Copy your API key

Mojolicious #

  1. Install the SlapbirdAPM Mojolicious plugin ie. cpan -I SlapbirdAPM::Agent::Mojo
  2. Add the plugin to your application with one line of code plugin 'SlapbirdAPM';
  3. Add the SLAPBIRDAPM_API_KEY environment variable to your application

Optionally: You can also pass your API key to the plugin via plugin 'SlapbirdAPM', key => $API_KEY

Dancer2 #

  1. Install the SlapbirdAPM Dancer2 plugin ie. cpan -I SlapbirdAPM::Agent::Dancer2
  2. Add the plugin to your Dancer2 application, use Dancer2::Plugin::SlapbirdAPM
  3. Add the SLAPBIRDAPM_API_KEY environment variable to your application

Optionally: You can also pass your API key to the plugin via key: $API_KEY in your config.yml

Plack #

  1. Install the SlapbirdAPM Plack middleware ie. cpan -I SlapbirdAPM::Agent::Plack
  2. Add the middleware to your application, typically this is done using Plack::Builder
  3. Add the SLAPBIRDAPM_API_KEY environment variable to your application

Optionally: You can also pass your API key to the plugin via key => $API_KEY in your Plack::Builder declaration